例1,《文心雕龙》“原道”中“逮及商周,文胜其质。”文、质二字在中国古代的文论当中极为重要,历代都有关于二者的讨论,佛经翻译当中更有“文质之争”之说。因此,正确理解二者含义对翻译表达极其关键。在中国古代文论中,“文”通常指文学作品的表达形式和修辞手法,“质”指内容等实体方面的内容。宇文所安抓住了二者的思想精华,把它们译为Patterning and Substance, 必要时在括号内含于拼音注释为(wen, chih),较为准确的表达了其内涵。下面看宇文所安在正确理解基础上的译文(“逮及商周,文胜其质”):When it reached the dynasties of Shang and Chou, patterning became greater than substance (chih)。然而这一理解表达并不是一成不变的,在具体的语境和话语中,随着意义的微妙变化而变化。如在“文质彬彬,然后君子”的译文:“Only when refinement (wen) and substance (chih) are in perfect balance do we have a gentleman.”宇文所安将其理解解释为:In the context of the Analects, “refinement”(wen, patterning) and“substance”refer to behavior and character; but they became central terms in literary thought.Lu Chi is still able to use pin-pin, “perfect balance”, in conjunction with “intricate and lovely craft,” Li-tsao; in later literary theory“intricate and lovely craft,” would suggest an imbalance, a preponderance and perhaps an excess of wen, “patterning”, “refinement”.(宇文所安)由此可见,宇文所安对中国古典文论的理解并不是僵化固定不变的,而是随文章的变化而变化的动态过程。再来看宇文所安对下句的理解:
例2,“幽赞神明,易象惟先,庖羲画其始,仲尼翼其终。”对于该句,易下爻辞曰:“古者庖牺氏之王天下也,仰则观天象与天,俯则观法于地,观鸟兽之文与地之宜,近取诸身,远取诸物,于是始作八卦,以通神明之德,以类万物之情。”这就是说,易经八卦最先为伏羲氏所创,后经孔子增补最后成形。宇文所安的译文为:“The Images of (Hsiang) of the Book of Changes were first to bring to light spiritual presence (shen-ming. “spirit-brightness”) that lie concealed. FuHsi marked the initial stages [ by producing the trigrams of the Changes], and Confucius added the Wings[exegetical and cosmological tracks accompanying the Changes]to bring the work to a conclusion.
例3,“爰自风姓,暨于孔氏,玄圣创典,素王述训,莫不原道心以敷章, 研神理而设数。”(From Fu His, the mysterious Sage who found the canon, up to the time of Confucius ,the uncrowned king who transmitted the teaching , all took for their thought the mind of the way to set forth their writings (chang), and they investigated the principle of spirit(shen-li) to establish their teaching.) 礼记月令正义引帝王世纪云:“太皋帝庖牺氏,风姓也。”纪平云:“玄圣当指伏羲诸圣,若指孔子与下句为复。”可见,“风姓”当指伏羲,并非为孔子。宇文所安将其译为From Fu His , 是对原文比较深刻正确的理解。
1.译文内注、脚注结合。如“玉版金镂之实,丹文绿牒之华,谁其尸之,亦神理而已。”宇文所安的译文为,“No person was responsible for these, which are the fruit (shih, ‘solids’)of jade tablets inlaid with gold, the flower of green strips with red writing (wen) : they came from the basic principle(li)of spirit(shen).”该句为文内注释,再看下例内注、脚注结合的译例:“人文之元,肇自太极。”宇文所安的译文为,The origins of human pattern(jen-wen)began in the Primordial. 并且在Primordial后加注:t’ai-chi, the Ultimate, the primordial state of from which the differentiated world came into being.
从上文所引用的诸多实例中可见,宇译表达中常用拼音,“语码混杂”现象十分明显。值得注意的是,宇文教授在给出该词英译的同时,用括号标出其汉语拼音,这与一般单纯用拼音来翻译有所区别。如“文质彬彬,然后君子”的译文:“Only when refinement (wen) and substance (chih) are in perfect balance do we have a gentleman.”
“人文之元,肇自太极。”宇文所安的译文为,The origins of human pattern( jen-wen) began in the Primordial. 并且在Primordial后加注:t’ai-chi, the Ultimate, the primordial state of from which the differentiated world came into being. 此句把“太极”译为primordial 并注释为t’ai-chi, 让人有累赘多余之感。因为随着目前东西方文化交流的不断深入,人们之间的了解不断加深,西方人对具有典型中国传统文化内涵的词语理解也不断的深入,把“太极”译为t’ai-chi直接就可以为英美读者所接受。在比如,“阴阳”、“功夫”、“武术”、“关系”等具有独特文化内涵的词在直接音译为Ying Yang, Kung Fu, Wu Shu, Guan Xi 时就已经广为接受。把“太极”一译为primordial 并且注,影响译文的流畅,所以笔者认为,把太极直接音译为 t’ai-chi 是较为合理的处理方法。
“木铎起而千里应”。一句的译文为:The sound of the wooden bell-clapper arose, and was answered from a thousand leagues around. 该句译文中把“应”理解为“回答、回应”(answer),表现出作者对原文理解的偏差。对于“木铎起而千里应”一句,孔安国注曰:“木铎施政教时以振也。言天将命孔子制作法度以号令天下。”易上系辞:“子曰:君子居其室,出其言善,则千里之外应之。”在中华民族的传统文化中,儒家思想一直占据着重要的地位,其中,其创始人孔子更是享有“孔圣人”之称。孔子的思想和言论一直是封建统治的基础和人们的行为楷模。依据此注释和我们对孔子的了解,我们认为“应”字应该理解为“遵从、响应”,英文译为follow较为妥帖。故此,则原句可改译为The sound of the wooden bell-clapper arose, and was followed by people from a thousand leagues around.