【关键词】 《红楼梦》;诗词;隐语;文化意味;翻译 美国人罗伯特·弗洛斯特曾说过“诗是在翻译中丧失掉的东西”( at gets lost intranslation)。我国著名诗人和翻译家卞之琳先生也表达过类似的看法。《红楼梦》的译者著名翻家杨宪益先生说:“在文学中有许多其他因素构成原文的某些含意,要是把这些含意传达给文化不同的人则是根本不可能的。譬如:对中国读者来说,中国诗词中的一棵垂柳就有某种由然而生的联想。”
The tomb of Tu Li—nian g,heroine of the Peony Pavilion,Was said to be in this nunnery in the Tayu Mountains,kiangsi.The first line of this poem was writtten by Li—niang on her portrait which Was picked up by Liu Meng—mei,the young scholar who later married her.
What shall avail you rank and riches,
Orphaned while in swaddling bands you lay?
Soon you must mourn your bright sun’s early setting,
大卫·霍克斯译文中对最末一句作了详细的译注:The picture is a rebus of Xiangyun ‘s name,‘Xian g’is the river which flows north wards through the province of Hunan into Lake Dongting .Yun‘means’‘cloud’.Chu was the ancient name of the Hunan—Hupeh area of which Lake Dongting is the centre.
What shall avail you ran k an d riches。Orphan ed while yet in Swaddling bands you say? Soon you must mourn your bright sun’s early setting.The Xiang flows .over it the clouds sail away. 但笔者在几首诗词中也发现译者在处理部分隐语时也有考虑不同样之处,在此笔者不揣浅陋,摘译其中一首与同行商榷。
For twenty years she arbitrates.
W here pomegranates blaze by palace gates.
How can the late spring equal the spring ’s start?
When Hare and Tiger meet.
From this Great Dream of life she must depart.
You shall,when tw enty years in life’s hard school are done.
In pomegranate—time to palace halls ascend.
Though three spring s never could with your first spring compare.